Product-Specific List 1 Exclusions
The U.S. Trade Representative (“USTR”) has granted 214 exclusions for products included in “List 1” of the Section 301 tariff action against China. The exclusions are retroactive to July 6, 2018 and remain in place for one year after publication in the Federal Register.
These exclusions apply to any product that meets the description published in the Federal Register, regardless of whether the importer filed an exclusion request. Therefore, any importer who paid the 25% tariff on products that have since been excluded is now eligible for a full refund of the tariffs. Refunds are not issued automatically, they must be requested by filing a Post Summary Correction, or a Protest if the entry has liquidated.
The U.S. Trade Representative is continuing to review exclusion requests for List 1 and List 2 goods, although the window to submit new requests has closed. USTR recently announced that exclusion requests for List 3 goodswill be accepted from June 30, 2019 until September 30, 2019.
Products that have been excluded include (partial list):
(1) Pumps designed for countertop appliances for serving beer, the foregoing that control the level of carbonation by means of sonic waves (8413.19.0000)
(2) Roller machines designed for cutting, etching or embossing paper, foil or fabric, manually powered (8420.10.9080)
(3) Water oxidizers and chlorinators (8421.21.0000)
(4) Ratchet winches designed for use with textile fabric strapping (8425.39.0100)
(5) Continuous action elevators and conveyors, designed to convey mineral materials (8428.33.0000)
(6) Counterweight castings of iron or steel designed for use on fork lift and other works trucks (8431.20.0000)
(7) Tines, carriages, and other goods handling apparatus and parts designed for use on fork lift and other works trucks(8431.20.0000)
(8) Parts of drill sharpening machines (8466.93.9885)
(9) Outer shells of hydraulic accumulators, of iron or non-alloy steel, cylindrical with hemispherical heads on each end(8479.90.9496)
(10) Parts of mechanical awnings and shades (8479.90.9496)
(11) Reject doors, pin protectors, liners, front walls, grates, hammers, rotor and end disc caps, and anvil and breaker bars, of Iron or steel, the foregoing parts of metal shredders (8479.90.9496)
(12) Steering wheels designed for watercraft, of stainless steel, having a wheel diameter exceeding 27 cm but not exceeding 78 cm (8479.90.9496)
(13) Pressure regulators of brass or bronze, whether high or low inlet type, having a rated flow rate of 55,000 – 150,000BTU/hr, maximum inlet pressure of 0.17 MPa to 1.72 MPa, inlet connection with POL or thread type of fitting (8481.10.0090)
(14) Pipe brackets of aluminum, each with 4 ports, the foregoing measuring 27.9 cm x 20.3 cm x 17.8 cm and weighing11.34kg, designed for installation into air brake control valves (8481.90.9040)
(15) Push pins and C-poles of steel, designed for use in variable force solenoid valves (8481.90.9040)
(16) Ball bearings of a width not exceeding 30 mm (8482.10.5032)
(17) Inductor baseplates of aluminum, each with a length measuring 149.20 mm or more but not over 275 mm, with a width measuring 119.40 mm or more but not over 232 mm and with a depth of 10.50 mm or more but not over 19 mm, with a weight of 0.48 kg or more but not over 3.2 kg (8504.90.9690)
(18) Parts of soldering irons and soldering machines (8515.90.4000)
(19) Motor vehicle gear shift switch assemblies, comprised of a plunger, connector and gear shift lever (8536.50.9065)
(20) Pressure switches designed for use in heat pumps and air-conditioning condensers having a rating of 1.90 megapascals or more but not over 4.55 megapascals (8536.50.9065)
(21) Instruments for measuring or checking voltage or electrical connections; electrical circuit tracers (9030.33.3800)
The full list of exclusions that have been granted as of this notice can be found at the following link.
If you are still unsure if your product has been excluded or have any questions, please reach out to your local MasterpieceInternational representative. We will be happy to assist and to discuss any potential tariff refunds available.
Thank You,